Its not what you say, its what they see hear and feel.

My company has a simple mission: to change an entire generation of children through their ability to communicate. Every day you are looking for efficient ways to create confident, well balanced children. I am looking for new solutions to help you get them there through a culture of…

Respect for others and themselves.
Confidence in how they move, interact and communicate.
Trust in themselves that they can develop resilience in the storms of their lives.
to challenge their strength knowing they “can do” it.  

Imagine a beautiful ballroom in Europe, a palace filled with gilt statues and chandeliers. Handsome men dressed in black tail suit, ladies in magnificent gowns of gold and white and tiffany blue. Soaring up-lifting music. Beautiful athletic art form where 10000 hours of mastery completes the effortless, graceful picture. Judged in mere seconds in minds and hearts of highly experienced dancers, asking three questions: Does this look right, does it sound right, does it feel right, all in six seconds.

This journey to the palace began with a simple question between two ordinary beginners : “May I have this Dance ?….. Yes thank you” Even as a beginner, your world suddenly zooms into focus by being present

WHAT WE SEE through eye contact,

WHAT WE HEAR through tone of voice and

WHAT WE FEEL through body language….

When you experience physical contact with another human being , you become present. In those 6 seconds you learn something new about yourself and your partner. Through these three windows to the soul, pour timeless values of our society.

WHAT WE SEE. When a boy first asks a Girl in front of him to dance she is often… not happy. With practice, they learn to look their partner in the eye when introducing themselves. To stretch, stand tall and walk gracefully like a dancer, we give them confidence.

WHAT WE HEAR  Boys must not only say the magic words “ may I have this dance please ?” This must SOUND RIGHT in a kind and clear tone of voice. Girls are instructed to stand with poise, and wait patiently until they are spoken to in a respectful way. These young ladies are empowered . Boys struggling to communicate now have a skill to combat that floundering feeling of embarrassment.

WHAT WE FEEL The boy extends his hand for the girl to place hers on his. Body language is screaming messages so fast we cannot comprehend, but we can feel .. Does it feel right ? Do I feel safe, am I nervous or confident. With practice, confidence builds and the skill becomes effortless.

In 2006 we started with 180 students with a simple brief from the minister for Sport, “find a way to heal a torn community through dancing together.”  Today we now teach over 9000 students. Imagine your students dressed up as young ladies and gentlemen at our gala event, Elegantly dancing with 1000 students. Each student knowing what it is to be a winner.

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